Tuesday, September 1, 2015

New Beginnings

Everybody should take a moment and get excited for a new year of MOPS!

With a new beginning before us for MOPS (and for many of us for school, work, babies and other things) I thought it was only fitting to make this weeks post about embracing change and the new experiences. 

Changes can often be terrifying - especially for the mom in us that want to be steady and consistent rocks for our families. I think that when we become so focused with wanting to be consistent through change and new things that we don't fully experience what these changes can bring about in ourselves. Throughout the Bible, God emphasizes that it is through change, challenge and new experiences that He brings about the greatest growth in us. Each new beginning is filled with His bounty and abundance to help us grow and change in Him.

For this new year of MOPS I ask that everyone think of this as a clean slate - a new experience and a new beginning where the possibilities within the group and within ourselves are endless. Set an intention for this year to open up to new friends, new ideas and new ways to be the best mom you can be. I am so excited to see what will become of us as we embark on this journey.

Dear God, please watch over our group as we begin this adventure together. Remind us to trust in You and open ourselves to the possibilities that this year can bring. Help us to strengthen each other as we share our experiences in mothering. Watch over the group that we may do all things in Your name. Amen. 


Tuesday, July 28, 2015

MOPS - Why I'm Here

Photo by Steven Michael Photo via Ruffled

Before I was born, God chose me and called me by his marvelous grace. Galatians 1:15

I am a mom (or a mama - to be more correct) to two wonderful kids. I am a wife to a wonderful, supportive, loving husband. I have a challenging, exciting and energizing career. I have an extended family who also loves and supports me and help to keep me grounded. Something inside of me still yearns for something more. 

What is that more, you ask?

Someone to do the laundry? Someone to cook dinner? Diapers? Tele-portation so we don't have to commute? 

All of these things would be fantastic, but what I really often need is a little bit of mama to mama love and support. For all of the love that my far flung family and friends can provide, they just can't replace the more intimate comfort of a conversation over dinner with other moms who experience all of the same things I do. That is what MOPS gives me. 

The reason that I keep coming back to MOPS is because it creates a safe atmosphere of other women who support and love one another and share their faith. With the backdrop of craft projects and valuable speakers we are able to further build our personal relationships with God while also learning about times others' relationships have flourished or fallen. It is in these times that we are all able to be at our most vulnerable so that we can build each other back up in Christ. It is in these times that we find ourselves in helping one another. 

Give yourself grace. One of the mentor moms said this at our leadership retreat recently and it has become my new mantra and something I associate strongly with MOPS. Grace can be defined as "the free and unmerited favor of God." Giving myself grace to me means giving myself the space to be less than perfect - while striving to shine the light of the Lord in all that I do. It means letting myself fail some days so that the next day I can come back stronger than ever. Above all it means remembering that God loves me and supports me and stands with me through my best days and my worst. 

The women of my MOPS group are there to remind me to give myself grace every time I see them - and even the times that I don't. And I am here for them. This is what MOPS means to me, and why it is so important to me. 

Dear God, thank You for bringing MOPS into my life when I needed the guidance and help. Thank You for helping me understand that I am worthy of Your love and grace. Amen.


Friday, July 17, 2015

Welcome to Night MOPS FBC!

Welcome everyone to the start of 2015-2016 night MOPS at Foothills Bible Church. The leadership team is in the planning stages right now, but below is a list of the meeting dates to get your calendar set up.

August 27 - Kick off!
Sept 3
Sept 17
Oct 1
Oct 15
Nov 5
Nov 19
Dec 3

Jan 21
Feb 4
Feb 18
March 3
March 17
April 7
April 21
May 5

Please email Mandi Diaz (Coordinator) at diaz.mandi@gmail.com to find out how to register!